Lesbian Dad

Face-making place-holder

Face-making at DadDad’s place. Is this a several days late post for Dana’s Blogging for LGBT Families Day? Alas, it is not. I had one, a several days late post for Blogging for LGBT Families Day, or BFLGBTFD as I like to call it.  But the ether ate it. That

Weekend bonus shot (Monday edition), 05.31.10

Kiss goodnight, Castro Valley, CA. Memorial Day BBQ chez DadDad. This brief post shows Pops with a photo of the kind of ship he served on in WWII, along with a little story.  I’m sorry none of the 2oth century wars turned out to be “the war to end all

Prêt-à-porter bigotry

Convenient iron-on transfer for babies and toddlers whose parents can’t be bothered to sew homphobic slurs on their kids’ clothing.  As seen at Michael’s arts and crafts in Emeryville, CA, a store chock-a-block with fun stuff that my dress-wearing boy was grooving on big time (yarn, ribbons, sewing kits), and

back up that-away
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