Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot (Monday edition), 06.14.10

Bouncing boy, Berkeley, CA. Baba’s Day’s coming up! For anyone casting around for a last minute gift for the Baba of their children, or what have you, here’s a gratuitous and 11th hour reminder of the poorly organized, haphazardly stocked Lesbian Dad Cafe Press shop.  If I wasn’t already angling

PB moustache

Compare with Squash goatee, of about a year and a half ago, for a quickie blast from the past. Double his lifetime later, he’s so sophisticated now. So debonair. So — hey! Is that a stinky diaper I smell?

Gitcher handy-dandy CA progressive voter guide here

“Here” being actually “over there,” there being Courage Campaign. Image takes you to Courage Campaign’s page, their PDF link direct to you here. The PDF download lists who’s for and against the various California propositions on the ballot, and includes a brief synopsis along with Courage Campaign’s recommendations. John in Sacramento,

back up that-away
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