Lesbian Dad

Le flâneur

Woman’s movement, 6th Ave, NYC. Who’s the walker and who’s the watcher? Enjoy this short Wikipedia entry on the flâneur, and you decide. I’m not at all sure when or if I will be able to manage a full-on prose recap of this past weekend I spent in New York

Weekend bonus shot, 08.08.10

The author at brunch, Hell’s Kitchen, NYC. Photo: DeBORah. If I told you how many really incredible people I spent time with Sunday, you would never believe me. Really. I didn’t need a guidebook to New York, I needed a guide book to my own day. Every single one is

On the town

A quick pair of images from NYC last night, posted between BlogHer sessions. Above, three self-described “giddy fangirls” (Briar, Calliope, and Liza) await Dr. Rachel Maddow’s appearance, evidently perhaps even via parachute, following the close of her Friday night broadcast. I was in attendance as sober, nonchalant chaperone. To almost

back up that-away
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