Lesbian Dad

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Busking sax player, Civic Center BART station, San Francisco, CA. More fun with the Lo-Mob application and my beloved’s fancy iPhone, which takes as good of pictures as point-n-shoot digital cameras of yore. Yore being, last year. For fun, if you haven’t seen it yet, check out Josh Brustein’s “Breaking Up

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The stash, Berkeley, CA. I used to think stationary supply fetishes were hereditary. What with my mom’s, and then of course mine. But the little guy is proving I should not discount the powerful effect of environment, either. What with, you know, his. His out-of-town auntie asked what to get

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Kitchen countertop TV, Berkeley, CA. I know. “What’s this?” you ask. It’s the spiffy hand-me-down TV we now have in our kitchen to accompany Baba’s fitful late night clean up sessions. The dishes just fly by! When it’s on, it’s pretty much only tuned into Dr. Maddow’s news analysis. What

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