Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, Monday edition

Boy oracle, Los Angeles County Open Space, CA. This is what happened: they found a dead field mouse whilst hiking, and buried it. (OK Mama buried it, managing to do so without touching it, no simple matter.  Baba looked bravely on from a distance of 15-20 feet.)  Then they gathered

News Flash!

I am bursting at the seams with pride to be among the first news outlets to report that Ellen DeGeneris and her lovely spouse Portia DeRossi  have revealed they’ve adopted a beautiful little girl!  The news of the process has been kept strictly confidential until its completion. I am proud

Six years today

E.U.P. February 27, 1995 — March 24, 2005. Above: my nephew and me, a very long time ago. I’ve posted the photograph above, some explanatory text, and the poem below each year for the past three years on this date to bear witness. He was not a month into 10

back up that-away
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