Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 10.02.11

Twilight trampoline jumpers, Berkeley, CA.   It was a crepuscular time of day, this particular one an extremely beautiful version of it.  Filled with the bittersweet of the ending of one thing and the possibilities in the beginning of the next.  All in a twilit season: summer’s ending–you can feel

Weekend bonus shot, 09.19.11 (Monday edition)

Window watcher, Berkeley, CA. The window he’s looking out is the back door, not the front.  We live in Berkeley, CA (better known, perhaps, as “Berzerkeley” or “The People’s Republic of Berkeley”) and we’ve seen stilt walkers, solitary harmonica players, muttering grocery cart pushers, cell phone-clutching subway-bound commuters, skateboard riders,

Weekend bonus shot (Monday edition), 09.12.11

Birthday dinner table, empty and full, Berkeley, CA At table, and in relation to the birthday girl, clockwise from bottom: grandfather; grandmother’s partner (grandbaba); adult friend/ fellow co-housing “villager”; special aunt; younger special cousin; co-housing “villager” girl cousin; grandmother; mother; co-housing “villager” uncle & aunt with boy cousin in between;

back up that-away
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