Lesbian Dad

A love story.

A brilliant two minutes of film from GetUp!, a multi-issue progressive Australian organization (along the lines of Courage Campaign here in CA). The Advocate posted about it right after Thanksgiving From the text on its YouTube page: Please share this with friends and loved ones.  Donate to put on Australian

NaBloPo– uh oh

Fun little story about this button. So I have a bunch of these buttons, and order them periodically to keep in my pocket, and bring them to places like events or conferences or wherever I feel I might want to spread the good gospel. Give ’em to friends. Even strolled


Thanksgiving table post-repast, Berkeley, CA. We all went around my brother-in-law’s Thanksgiving table–my own brood, my dad, my mother in law, her old friend, her partner, my partner’s dad, my partner’s brother’s family and his wife’s mother–and said what we were thankful for. Many of us said we were thankful

back up that-away
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