Lesbian Dad

Regarding the carousel

At the Tilden Park Carousel’s Christmas Extravaganza, Berkeley, CA.   We’ve been here before. (Back then, when she was two, and again then, at two and a half. Clearly it’s a thing for me: I just counted over half a dozen “carousel”-referential posts here.) We come to Tilden Park’s Christmas Spectacular

At the end of the tether

Tetherball at big sister’s schoolyard, Berkeley, CA.   Next time around it smacked Baba in the kisser. That’ll learn me to pay attention. To wit (re: paying attention): I’ll be untethered from ye olde internet next week. Digital Sabbatical time, thank you GwenBell et al.!  Clarity, monotasking parenthood, and board

Choosing love over everything

I got a note this morning from my kids’ “grandbaba” Sandy, herself no stranger to Salon, alerting me to a piece by Mary Elizabeth Williams there: A homophobic mayor’s lesson in love. Michigan mother Amy Weber addresses Troy, MI’s proudly heterosexist mayor with the kind of loving, measured, dead-on appeal

back up that-away
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