Lesbian Dad

Happy Blogging for LGBT Families Day!

  June first’s Blogging for LGBT Families Day, the brain child of Dana Rudolph, who publishes Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms. An exciting idea, especially for me who is: (a) still fairly recently a parent (wee bairn is clocking in at 22 mo. old later in June); (b) still fairly


DadDad & his granddaughter. I just sent in an essay today, musings on the occasion of Father’s Day for consideration at an online ‘zine. If it doesn’t appear there or anywhere else, digitally or via ink, I’ll definitely post it here on Pops’/Baba’s Day. Meanwhile, all that thinking about fathers

On the same page

So this spring, Confessions of the Other Mother came out and of course I’ve been watching its progress as it (bearing my humble essay) inches its way up and down the Amazon.com sales rank list. Imagine my thrill when I saw it debut at a sales rank in the vicinity

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