Lesbian Dad

Making it up as we go along

In my “It’s all relatives” post last week, I neglected to clarify that the group of LGBT parents to whom I was primarily (though not exclusively) referring was “intentional” queer parents: people whose families are planned and realized from inside their queer relationships. The phrase “queer family-making” carried the burden,

Weekend bonus shot, 07.21.07

President Poopyhead, Berkeley, CA. T-shirt available here at Baby Wit, for the fashion forward set. The link’s prompted by this image’s appearance as a comment thread reference at Daily Kos (Chrisc’s “I’d like to see… him [Romney] kiss this baby without reading his t-shirt.”) Could a Baba be prouder? The

It’s all relatives

[Cross-posted at the Family Pride Blog.] Your Gamete, My Arse Many of you will have read Peggy Orenstein’s cover piece in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, “Your Gamete, Myself.” For those who didn’t, or who just now linked to it and balked when you saw that it spans nine

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