Lesbian Dad


I am thinking about my sister today.   This February, three days before her eldest son’s birthday, it’ll mark three years that my sister’s and my relationship transformed fundamentally.  Estrangement: not of my choosing, but neither could I prevent or remedy it; as such things likely are, the causes are


Scattered notes in attempt to pull together threads and make sense. The day after the school shootings (I have such a very hard time even typing the more accurate term, “massacre”) in Newtown, CT, we went to Mark Morris’ The Hard Nut, a romp which makes it difficult to sit through

After Newtown

  Leveled, like so many.  Staring at my children, whose age range is precisely that of most of the child victims of the mass shooting at the Newtown, CT school earlier today.  Breath knocked out, and here I am at the other side of the country, with two living children.

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