Lesbian Dad

Parenthood is a very gendered thing

Part one of a six-part series of excerpts from “Confessions of a Lesbian Dad,” originally published in Confessions of the Other Mother: Non-biological Lesbian Moms Tell All (Ed. Harlyn Aizley. Boston: Beacon, 2006). [Series intro and backstory here.] I didn’t always know I would be a lesbian dad. Sure, I

Baba’s mood is…

Recent illustration of goddess knows what, hopefully not Baba, by the lil’ monkey. Baba’s mood is…skittish. Or maybe brooding. Yeah, that’s it. Brooding in a kind of a skittish sort of a way. Later today I’m to have minor surgery (I check into the “In N’ Out” floor of the

Thiiiiiiiiiis much

“That’s all I’ll watch. Only thiiiiiiiiiis much.” (Archival photo — diapers a give-a-way — of the lil’ monkey trying to wheedle her way in front of Sound of Music yet again. Or was it Mary Poppins?)

back up that-away
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