Lesbian Dad

A little self-help reading

The book in which I’m groping around for a lifeline, above, is titled Your Three Year Old: FRIEND OR ENEMY (okay, emphasis mine; it’s not like they go all caps on it). This helpful volume was mercifully lent to us by our preschool director, who is mellow, kind, wise, clear,

U R 2 Old, the lesfam version

Like me, many of you current and future parents perusing yesterday’s New York Times will have sucked up the article “Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old (JK)” with a mixture of fascination and dread. Laura M. Holson, the article’s author, writes that Children increasingly rely on personal technological devices

Weekend bonus shot, 03.08.08

Phillie Avengers step off from the Bryant Park staging area for the Dyke March, New York City, 23 June 1994. Happy International Women’s Day, people (with love and solidarity, from the dusty LD black & white print archive).

back up that-away
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