Lesbian Dad

New Year’s portrait

Courtesy our chum AnnZ.  We had a groovy light bouncey jobbie off to the side, catching and reflecting the late afternoon sun on our porch just now.  Other than that, nothin’ fancy. Yes, that’s a roof in the background there; yes, we live in an attic, what of it.  We


Out with the old! And not a moment too soon! [Broke sidebar update: sidebar still broke just fixed on the home page! As continues to be abundantly evident.  Not in abundance: my bright ideas as to what happened, or what else to try to un-happen it.  But I’m back home

Weekend bonus shot, 12.20.08

Waiting, Berkeley, CA. This was a moment during which my kid and I were waiting for the BART train into the city to go see a holiday dance show.  For minutes on end we watched people descend the escalator: first shoes, then legs, then torso, then whole person.  Could have

back up that-away
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