Lesbian Dad

7th of 21

Mother’s Day picnickers blow bubbles. The careful observer will note the reclining figure of the picnicker of honor under the oak tree, propped leg visible. I have made a special request for Baba’s Day (celebrated, by amazing coincidence, on the same day as Father’s Day): same picnic spot, same recreational

Weekend bonus shot, 05.09.09

Son and mother, Berkeley, CA. And a nod to the mother of Mother’s Day, Julia Ward Howe  (Anna Jarvis’ latecomer’s trademarks notwithstanding): Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation – 1870 Arise then…women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts! Whether your baptism be of water or of tears! Say

6th of 21

Watermelon boy. Yeah, and you knew it was coming: I was so eager about removing every speed bump between you and Mr. Hancock’s “Watermelon Man” that I had to embed the YouTube jobbie here, instead of dropping in a modest little link to it. Er, because I haven’t developed the

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