Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 05.24.09

Little Farm boy, Tilden Park, Berkeley, CA. When the going gets tough — or even when an afternoon sneaks up and makes itself available — the tough grab a bunch of celery (to feed the animals) and hie themselves to Little Farm, nestled up over the hills a scant 12

15th of 21

Post-dinner dance party.  There was only time for one song: which would you choose?  “Flashlight” bolted out of the gate as an early contender, but “Super Freak” came from behind and took the night. If I have one gay (parent) agenda item — other than, can I serve my kids

Set yer stopwatches to 24 hrs. Plus.*

Richard Westall’s Sword of Damocles, 1812. Thanks to NCLR’s crack text message to my phone, the wait for the wait is over, and now the wait is narrowed to a nice, long holiday weekend.  Glad I got some champagne for mimosas for our lesbo parents’ brunch this Sunday.  Because now

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