Lesbian Dad

Date night vignette

On our recent date night, the beloved and I managed yet again to defy innovation, walking to the exact same downtown beer garden as we did the last date night, ordering the exact same thing we had the last time, and going to see a movie. Pretty much just like

Weekend bonus shot, 06.06.09

At the playground, Berkeley, CA. We pick up the older cousins weekly at their nearby elementary school (probably the A#1 benefit of co-housing with the in-laws: the childcare swaps ROCK).  This day, after picking up the girl cousin we went up to play at the big kids’ playground.  It was

“If they know us, they don’t vote against us.”

So said Harvey Milk.  Decades later, poll after poll (here’s the most recent one at Gallup) confirms this. Respondents’ positions on gay civil equality issues are hugely different when they actually know the LGBT people in their families and their lives. Sure, a surprising number continue to justify withholding constitutional

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