Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 07.18.09

The beloved and Nancy behind a “flight” of Rhone wines, San Francisco, CA. This isn’t a picture of a bunch of wine glasses.   It isn’t a picture of my beloved, either, though that’s her, directly across from me.   What this is is the only recent picture I have

Scattered notes from an anniversary

Herewith, scattered notes and photos from the beloved’s and my anniversary date  (a la the Baba’s Day pictorial), because the main dealie sitting on my shoulders these days still defies direct address, and yet squashes close to flat so much of everything else.  Thus making truthful personal narrative somewhat challenging.

Weekend bonus shot, 07.12.09

Me and Marian Anderson, at the Richard Avedon exhibit, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco. Relation of this image to lesbian/parenthood? Extendo date, the harried parent’s friend!  This one began at noonish, and ended at midnightish. Just the ticket.  It was our first such date, and after realizing we could

back up that-away
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