Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 05.23.10

WE DON’T LIVE IN YOUR SHADOW WE GROW IN YOUR SHADE, Civic Center, San Francisco, CA, March 5, 2009.  (From the LD archives). This was outside the California Supreme Court on the morning arguments were heard in the case challenging Proposition 8’s constitutionality. Reader and online comrade BeethovenLives reminded me

Happy Harvey Milk Day

Today’s California’s first observed Harvey Milk Day. Actions and celebrations are stockpiled here by EQCA and here on the Harvey Milk Day web page. Here’s the Milk Foundation’s site, which includes a great page on Harvey In Schools.  Our school district will be adapting HRC’s Welcoming Schools curriculum next year, as policy district-wide (first such

Et tu, Glee?

I know you do not come here for the latest in pop culture news and analysis.  Neither do I. But I have to rant more than a Tweet’s worth (i.e., more than 140 characters, likely more than 140 words — I’ll let you know when we get there) , and

back up that-away
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