Lesbian Dad

“Weekend” bonus shot, 08.11.09

Tub mayhem, Carmel, CA. (Two years ago, these same kids were this big.)   Weekend bonus shot, Tuesday extendo- travelogue edition.  The day before we’re to return home from vacation, I finally find the library with WiFi.  Even though the bath has been a reliable barrel of fun, most of

Weekend bonus shot, 08.01.09

In the Three Little Pigs’ house, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland, CA. Per usual, I didn’t pose them, but was at the ready with the camera when they did what came naturally. Boychild: sunny, playful, open. Girlchild: probing, intense, absorbent.  Working in cahoots, the two of ’em could pretty much take the

Weekend bonus shot, 07.25.09

LGBTQ “Birds of a Feather” lunch table at the BlogHer convention, Chicago, IL. BlogHer/Chicago 09 Dispatch #4. This looks worse than it really was. No, the LGBTQ table at BlogHer did not host just one lone, sad diner (me). It was a whole tableful of garrulous gals, chit-chattin’ and crackin’

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