Lesbian Dad

No words

Christina Taylor Greene, September 11, 2001 – January 8, 2011, Tuscon, AZ. (Photo: KVOA.com) Except sympathy to all who grieve. [addendum: All right, also, this statement from Christina’s mother in Sunday’s NY Times: “I think there’s been a lot of hatred going on and it needs to stop,” she said.]


Several readers — thank you theredbaron, Jill, and COat50 — wrote me yesterday to inform me that Mitrice Richardson had been found. As in, her body had been found, life long since lost from it. (LA Times account here.) It was another reader who informed me of her case, nearly

Optical allusion

A quick sketch of the complexity of people. The boychild and I were at a stationary supply store this morning, getting the nicest congratulations on completing Kindergarten/ congratulations on starting preschool gifties I know to give these kids: spiffy little hardback notebooks and fresh felt-tipped pens with which to fill

back up that-away
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