Lesbian Dad

Lojong teaching #13

Pancake hearts, made as antidote to Prop 8 hate, mid-campaign. After my mom died (now over fifteen years ago), I was thrust into that heightened state of awareness one has in the wake of the death of someone close.  The world carries on as if nothing’s changed, except you’re rocked

Ten years ago today*

Ten years ago today, twenty-one-year-old college student Matthew Shepard was found, beaten, bloodied, comatose, and tied to a fence, near Laramie, Wyoming.  He died five days later, October 12, 1998, in a hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. Cathy Renna speaks for many of us in her Bilerico piece today on

And now we are four

   I don’t come to my sister’s cabin nearly as often as I could.  Not nearly as often as I should.  It’s beautiful; it’s above 5,000 feet elevation; it abuts a state park and is just a few miles from a beautiful national forest.  She has always extended me and

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