Lesbian Dad

Witless Wednesday

I got so tired of seeing t-shirts that proclaimed, from the standpoint of the kid, that the kid believed something (cool, or politically in line with the parents, etc.) — even stuff that I believed in! hell, I’ve stuck my kid in ’em! — that I went out and made

Bee girl at rest

I ran into a friend today — Whitney, who with her homie Heather, is behind the Rookie Mom empire.  (Their blog & handbook are indispensable for not just rookie parents in search of ideas, but recidivist shut-ins like myself.) We were both grabbing some coffee before grocery shopping, our more portable (& not

Weekend bonus shot, 05.31.09

Rainbow flag en route to San Francisco City Hall Day of Decision rally, May 26, 2009, following the California State Supreme Court’s upholding of Proposition 8 and the ban on same-sex marriage. Normally I do these weekend photos in black & white. This one seemed worthy of exception, particularly since

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