Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 07.12.09

Me and Marian Anderson, at the Richard Avedon exhibit, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco. Relation of this image to lesbian/parenthood? Extendo date, the harried parent’s friend!  This one began at noonish, and ended at midnightish. Just the ticket.  It was our first such date, and after realizing we could

15 (yrs together)

Today’s the last day this button is true.*Tomorrow, the beloved and I will have been together for 15 years. Fifteen! I’ve had a very low output here at LD while I’ve been licking my wounds and refocussing my vision after the death of an old friend.  There’s much I might

Lil’ help

A cameraphone pic of the big sister helping the little brother as they romp around on the hay bales near The Edible Schoolyard’s tool shed and chicken coop. When the going gets tough, the tough (read: me and the kiddles) go to either Little Farm, or The Edible Schoolyard.  Clearly

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