Lesbian Dad

One nightstand

A guided tour of Baba’s nightstand, nearing the end of week one of kidling #2. Otherwise known as What’s Really On My Laptop. 1. Phone stand, empty due to the fact that the beloved is on the phone that it cradles, telling The Tale to yet another dear friend from

All baby action all week

Yeah, so I promised prose, but it’s clearly looking like all I can do this week is post baby pictures. Who can blame me? On him: hospital-issue onsie. On her: Mombian’s priceless “One of my moms is blogging this” t-shirt. [Am I the only one who’s reminded of this image

Chez nous these days

I promised myself (& the beloved!) that after the birth I would take a week’s break from “regularly scheduled programming,” but I can’t help myself. Plus, terse photo captions and notes typed with one hand don’t count. Right? Tomorrow: prose content, in the form of a a guest post from

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