Dawn? Maybe?
There is a whole lot of good to be done in the world, and none too soon.
2,316 words | 10 min. read [dropcap]T[/dropcap]hanks the combo of parent + full-time employed person + I’m no longer crazy enough to go without sleep, my processing speed is like that of one of those old putty-colored, 128k Macintoshes, circa the mid-1980s. So! The notes below are what I finally compiled from
I find multitasking and code-switching a tad challenging. For this reason, three years ago, when I launched into a non-communications/ non-social media-ish job, I found myself essentially hanging up my bloggy spurs. I did not, however, melt them down and make lawn art out of them. Fortunately for my neighbors. And yet! I