Lesbian Dad

Masculinity in crisis

[Photo: Front door of Jaheem Herrera’s apartment, by Curtis Comption, Atlanta Journal-Constitiution] If the second 11 year-old boy in two weeks to commit suicide over bullying does not tell us that masculinity is in a state of profound crisis, what will? From Pam’s House Blend: “Another Sad Suicide…” A DeKalb

A Night Out

Last week, our friendly neighborhood queer family org, Our Family Coalition, held a Night Out, the first of what I will be annual spirit- and fund-raiserey to-do’s.  OFC staff, its board, and its members have collectively worked their tails off on behalf of our families of late. We celebrated those

Easy come, easy go

The other day a young couple was in the neighborhood looking for a place to start their family.  There’s a lot to recommend our neck of the woods: easy walking distance to downtown and public transport; city parks a few blocks away.  A Trader Joe’s is even being built nearby,

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