Lesbian Dad

A brief Halloween bulletin

And so it went, Halloween ’10: Hermoine (the bookish Harry Potter sidekick) at left, and the Fairy Godmother at right. Hermoine shown pre-tie, which went on moments later. And shown with books, which were jettisoned some moments after that.  They were great as a prop for the costume contest held


The gloaming, Berkeley taqueria version. Watercolor sky, outdoor seating empty but for us, a happy, relieved quartet. I asked the girl child earlier in the day: “Where would you like to go for a celebration dinner?” Her answer, echoed by kids if not from coast to coast, then certainly up

Having a wonderful time…

…wish you were here! The closest thing to a post I can do right now. Would that the imagery above symbolized my working on this blog, you know, like implementing the dozen or so fixies I have in mind for its betterment. But nope. That’s literal, my kitchen, last night

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