Year-old tie-dye hanging out to dry, Berkeley, CA.
As it turns out, tie-dye shirts which have yet to be “set” and rinsed can indeed sit in a crumpled ball for a year, intimidating and then later forgotten, and be resurrected the weekend before departing for the family camp whence they came the year before! Patience (and neglect) rewarded.
Heading up to Camp It Up! family camp for the week. I sang its praises at VillageQ last year upon return, and don’t mind saying that if you don’t currently squirrel away all your spare pennies for a queer family camp (you queer families), well, you should try. Because it’s worth every one of those pennies. (Here’s a regionally varied list of them I did back in April at VQ.)
Up at camp there is – ! – no cell phone reception & no cable/ wifi internet access. Schlubs who have internetty work to do make their way into the nearby town for the wifi-enabled cafe. I believe I’ll be among those schlubs, in which case I may also have the opportunity to share a photo or two. I share this tidbit because I’m working hard at the whole “please keep blogging” thing with which I ended my talk the other night. It’s almost as good for the mental health as a nice, long, family vacation.
Hope your week is the best of the year. Camp is one of life’s finest experiences and here in NorCal with all these outrageous trees and rivers and waterfalls-well, hell, it’s the grooviest it gets.
Should we send out a search party? You left for a week at camp and haven’t posted since…reminiscent of a horror movie plot, no? Actually I’m hoping the silence is indicative that all is well for you and your family — busy, productive, positive and getting into the swing of things with the new school year. Just wanted to drop a note to let you know there are people out here who still care!
Hello, Red:
Thank you for that. This here reply, 21 months later, is a tad overdue. Much afoot in the two years that marked my absence. About which, more soon. 🙂