Tetherball at big sister’s schoolyard, Berkeley, CA.
Next time around it smacked Baba in the kisser. That’ll learn me to pay attention.
To wit (re: paying attention): I’ll be untethered from ye olde internet next week. Digital Sabbatical time, thank you GwenBell et al.! Clarity, monotasking parenthood, and board games all shimmer like palm trees at a distant oasis. Between now and the oasis: a bit of extendo family revelry, cooking a feast for a dozen, and the kids’ favorite holiday. I can think of a few ways I could be more fortunate (one, two, three, maybe four more loved ones alive now that should be; rifts bridged; wounds healed). Other than that, my cup runneth over.
What the heck? That’s what tether balls look like in 2011/2012? I have never seen one like that.
Hope you and your clan had lovely holidays.
Trippy, no? Upside is, they smart a good bit less than the other ones do, when you’re caught unawares.
Warmest 2012 regards to you and yours too, Witney!