At the Monterey Bay Aquarium: a room in which a school of fish (do I remember what kind? er, no) perpetually swim in a circle. Like the Jenny Holzer truisms that play in an endless L.E.D. stripe around the room in some of her installations. Only, well, they’re fish.
Is it sadistic, the whole aquatic hamster wheel thing? A reasonable question. But meanwhile, it was totally fascinating. That and the jellyfish (below) coulda kept us occupied for– for minutes on end. If it weren’t for my incipient enochiophobia. Go on a weekday and you’ll be entranced.
hey LesboDad..
this is MaceInSpace..
I have a question for ya.. what’s your take on half siblings?? other kids from the same donor.. not a part of your family.. who are such lil ppl to you.. or to lil monkey.. where is genetics in your scheme of the world?? Mace
‘Aloo, Mace. First, thank you for reading and chatting so regularly! And I appreciate the question, since it provides grist for the Essay Mill. I was going to leave a short answer here, and then ! surprise ! I couldn’t! So stay tuned and I’ll post what turned out to be a medium length answer, under the title “We Are Family.”