Don’t let the bucolic photographic moment fool you, though. It was melt-your eyelashes off heat; littler kid awoke from his nap en route and was wacked for the rest of the day, so overtired that it took 1.5 hrs to get him to go to sleep at bedtime; plus you don’t want to know how many wrong turns we made before getting to this spot. Carefully pre-selected to be far enough away from home that it felt like an adventure and a departure, but not so far that the trip there unduly taxed the kids’ good nature.
Turns out that it was Mama’s and Baba’s good nature that was unduly taxed.
Lest I mistakenly leave the impression that a simple picnic with kids these ages is anything like simple, or a picnic.
It looks calm and peaceful in all respects. And, if it makes you feel better, I am often unduly taxed 🙂
On the upside, at least we’re duly represented. Or reflected. Or whatever it is our impact on them is going to turn out to be.