Lesbian Dad

Snarker wins (and no, I’m not talking about Hillary)

And in non-presidential nominee news, the inimitable Dorothy Snarker was indeed the heaviest vote-puller in this year’s Lesbian Lifestyle Blog of the Year contest, which ended on Sunday night. Her post today (and the spiffy YouTube clip of the Ditty Bops) does a fine job of illustrating the zip and wit that help win her a rabid and dedicated fan base daily. toastieI am forever in her debt for drawing our attention to Ellen Page’s line in a recent Saturday Night Live skit, “Why can’t we all just hug a woman with our legs in friendship?”

I was delighted, too, to discover This Girl Called Automatic Win and Hahn at Home and Sugarbutch Chronicles as a result of this thing. Most pleasurable was the civil way in which we all comported ourselves, befitting our kind as Wimmin-Lovin-Wimmin. Sinclair Sexmith (a.k.a. Sugarbutch) was ever so gentlemanly, or if one prefers, gentlepersonly, in extending her congrats earlier today. Capitol, just capitol. (By the way, her recently added “Definitions” page will certainly become a link on the LD “Glossary” page, since I am a Ph.D. dropout — scans nicely with “beauty school dropout, don’t you think?” — in the field of genderology, and she surveys that landscape so artfully.)

To all y’all, nominees and voters, allow me say that the pleasure was all mine.

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