Lesbian Dad

Extree, extree: About.com calls LD a top! Blog!


This news flash, while of course tooting the LD horn, is intended to thank Kathy Belge for the nod, and to toot the horns of the other nine blogs she chose.

As part of a series she’s doing for Pride month — various and sundry thing to be proud of — Kathy looked at the lesbian blogosphere, and came up with her pick of the Top 10 Best Lesbian Blogs. I’m very glad to see that it’s filed under the “Lesbian and Gay Rights” category for her Lesbian Life column, since I regard all queer blogospheric presence, at this point in our histories, as critical community-building, and therefore a part of our ongoing civil and human rights struggle. That’s a huge reason why I do this thing here.

Here’s her list in its entirety:

    1. Pam’s House Blend Like there’s any debate! Pam, Pam, she’s our gal!

    2. Mombian See above peanut gallery remark: Dana, Dana, she’s our gal!

    3. Jasmyne Cannick Ditto: Jasmyne, Jasmyne, she’s our gal!

    4. Rosie Hey! How do you like that? The nation’s most recognizable lesbian mum has a blog! Rosie, Ro– okay, enough with the cheerleading.

    5. The Other Mother The mama of all lesbian mama blogs!

    6. Good as You: G.A.Y. Kind of a queer Daily Show, if you aren’t a regular reader. Pam + these folks will keep you abreast of all the news that’s fit to throw a fit over.

    7. Queer Cents I don’t have much — cents or sense — which is why I appreciate this site.

    8. Kate Clinton’s CommuniKate One of our most valuable resources, and among the highlights for me of the Lambda Literary Awards ceremony in NYC last week, alongside schmoozing with my editor Harlyn Aizley and co-contributor Hillary Goodridge, and and being complimented on my spiffy suit by none other than Alison Bechdel. Who cuts a mean figure in her own suit, people, so she should know. That moment almost made up for Confessions of the Other Mother not winning the Lammy. Almost.

    9. Best. Lesbian. Week. Ever. Required. Reading. For all pop culture junkies.

    10. Lesbian Dad Omygod! It’s an honor to be in this company, truly. I genuinely believe that the appeal and value of this lesbo bon mots depot has everything to do with the great numbers of us who care about fighting the good fight while loving the big love. Whether or not you’re a lesbian, or a parent, or a gentlemanly woman. Or tolerant of an endless stream of cute kid pictures. It helps, I’m sure, if you’re any of the above. Whoever you are, and whatever your own Top 10 list would have looked like, I hope I continue to make it worth your while to stop by.

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