Posted Date: May 30, 2007July 21, 2007author:LDCategories:Mostly a pictureFarmer’s Market find …a coupla pregnant lesbians! Wish them well! I knew they were lesbians because of the tell-tale Mich Fest hoodie thing. They knew I was because of what I had my daughter in: It pays to advertise.
Two pictures AND some words…is the work lightening up a bit?
How sweet! Yes well: only enough to post two pictures and some words. Alas. But there’s more lightening up a the end of the tunnel. At which point, the regular picture plus a thousand words. Whether or not the one is worth the other, or vice-versa.
Ah, the working parent blogger’s lament: so much to write about, so little time!
I sent you an email last week with a video link of Miguel singing a song he wrote about his two moms. Have you checked it out yet?
Yow! Just did! That’s how busy I’ve been. You know I didn’t see it right away because I didn’t rave it up and insist others look at it and get all warm and runny, like I just did.
So! People, watch this, and get all warm and runny and then stand in line behind everyone else who is trying to book this kid as National Cutie-Pie Lesbian Family Spokeschild:
Two Moms
Nice to see that Abigail Garner picked it up, too. She’s right. Destined to be a classic at Family Camps this summer!
I just thought you might need something other than Oklahoma to listen to!
Love the t-shirt! 🙂
FYI, Miguel’s mom submitted the video of him as her entry for Blogging for LGBT Families Day, which delights me no end.
This means, too, that posts are already rolling in. I’m happy to take early entries from those who have them–though people are welcome to wait until June 1 if they like. Also, videos and photos are also fine, for those who aren’t inspired with words.
Where did you get that shirt, Polly? You must tell us!
A late answer to the question, but I’ll send it directly to Robin, too.
I got it it through Dana’s Mombian CaféPress website, which she keeps a link to on her home page. It’s a winner, for sure.