Lesbian Dad

Witless Wednesday

I got so tired of seeing t-shirts that proclaimed, from the standpoint of the kid, that the kid believed something (cool, or politically in line with the parents, etc.) — even stuff that I believed in! hell, I’ve stuck my kid in ’em! — that I went out and made

Bee girl at rest

I ran into a friend today — Whitney, who with her homie Heather, is behind the Rookie Mom empire.  (Their blog & handbook are indispensable for not just rookie parents in search of ideas, but recidivist shut-ins like myself.) We were both grabbing some coffee before grocery shopping, our more portable (& not

Meet in the Middle 4 Equality Rally Video

Those of us who were unable to be in Fresno this weekend, by dint of geographical or logistic or financial or other entanglements, will be very inspired by this montage of speakers at the rally.   You can see how the spirits of César Chávez (¡sí se puede!) and Harvey

back up that-away
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