From No on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign manager in my inbox this morning:
I wasn’t going to come to you to ask for money again. We’ve asked so much, and you’ve dug deep and really come through.
Honestly, I wouldn’t take my time away from managing our Get Out The Vote operation to send this email if it wasn’treally important.
But we just heard that Yes on 1 is increasing their TV ad buy by $25,000 today.
$25,000 buys a lot of TV ads in Maine.
With the money we have now, we simply can’t counter their arguments on TV.
You and I have both invested a lot in this campaign. I won’t– IÂ can’t– let them win this because we couldn’t come up with the last $25,000 in the final 36 hours.
We can’t let Yes on 1 win the airtime war with their misleading, and factually inaccurate ads.
We can’t let Yes on 1 lie to Maine voters about schools and teachers and children and same-sex couples in Maine.
We need to stand up and match every one of their lies with an ad of our own, that explains that marriage equality won’t do anything to families but protect all of them.
And I need you to help. Can you come through one last time and give $50 to help us finish this campaign with a win?
Jesse Connolly
Campaign Manager
NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality
For folks in Washington State and Kalamazoo, MI (the other LGBT civil rights hotspots this election), The Task Force has links to the organizations coordinating Get Out The Vote efforts there and in Maine: “Still time to secure victory on Election Day!”