Lesbian Dad

Please help find Mitrice Richardson

[Updates in comments.]

Hello all.

I’m breaking with ordinary LD subject matter, such as it is, to run a public service announcement on behalf of someone dear to an LD reader. And we are nothing if not a community of compassionate people.  I’m going to post the note she wrote me yesterday in its entirety, along with the most recent (if otherwise uncharacteristic) image of the missing woman (at right):

I wanted to let you know about a young woman who has been missing here in the Los Angeles area for over 2 weeks now and there has been little to no media coverage. According to her family she is bi-polar. Yet she graduated Cal State Fullerton with a 4.0.

She started acting odd and ended up being arrested in Malibu for not being able to pay her bill at an upscale restaurant (her mother said she had $2,000 in the bank and that the grandmother offered to pay it over the phone, the restaurant refused and had her arrested) the police searched her car found less than an ounce of Marijuana and arrested her for defrauding an innkeeper and the marijuana. Impounded her car. She had no purse no money and no cell phone.

They took her about 20 miles away to the Lost Hills sheriffs office and then released her at 1:15am, pitch black out, about a mile from a shopping center, down dark windy roads with no money no car no cell phone.

Her mother had called and been assured that she would call when she was ready to be released. She didn’t and she hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

I came across her Myspace and she had written a blog entitled “Why I’m a lesbian”. This story is killing me. My partner has bipolar, is just 2 years older than this beautiful young woman is, and but for the grace of god goes she? And the media isn’t interested.

I don’t know what to do to help get this story out except to email you and see if maybe you would feature her story on your blog. Thanks for listening and peace to you and yours.

For further information or to connect to someone with a tip, please visit www.FindMitrice.info. That site includes this synopsis:

Mitrice Richardson, age 24, went missing after she was released from the Malibu police station at about 1 a.m. Thursday September 17th.

She suffers from mental health issues and was released into the remote Malibu canyon area without a car, I.D,  phone, money or assistance.

Mitrice is an upstanding citizen and student and deserves better treatment than what the Malibu sheriff’s gave. This did not have to happen.

Mitrice is a CAL STATE FULLERTON graduate with a 4.0 GPA and is set to begin a doctoral program.

Below is some more coverage on her case. If you live in Southern California or know someone who does, please please pass this on.

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