Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, 07.12.09


Me and Marian Anderson, at the Richard Avedon exhibit, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco.

Relation of this image to lesbian/parenthood? Extendo date, the harried parent’s friend! 

This one began at noonish, and ended at midnightish. Just the ticket.  It was our first such date, and after realizing we could actually initiate and complete multiple conversations, we vowed to do this at least seasonally.  Cheaper than an overnight, which we basically can’t afford.  But neither can we afford institutionalization in a mental asylum, so this is a real bargain.

Half-way through the date, we were here, in front of various of Avedon’s often breathtaking portraits. With miles to go before we slept.

Here’s a bit about the photograph, courtesy the Met.

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