Lesbian Dad

‘Mornin, Chicago*


[*Update: now with new & improved “live Tweets” of the Keynote mentioned below. For the Tw-illiterate, you need to go to the very bottom of the string of Tweets (Twats, Twits) and read upward. But it ends with a pair of my favorite Twits/Twats/Tweets ever.]

BlogHer/Chicago 09 Dispatch #3. I decided for both of these pictures, for purposes of propriety, to exclude the hoo-ha in the hotel room in the foreground.  You know: the garter belts, the handcuffs, the empty JD bottles on their sides, the model release forms.  The stuff of bloggery.

I’ll try to “live Tweet” the keynote this morning with Donna Byrd (the Root.com), Tina Brown (the Daily Beast), Ilene Chaiken (the L word etc.). Over here.

  • Live Twit/Twat/Tweet of the BlogHer Keynote, 25 July 2009:
  • Tina Brown, Donna Byrd, & Ilene Chaiken 
  • interviewed by Lisa Stone.
  • (To be read bottom to top.)
  • Yes, it was in service of a larger point, about marketing saturation etc. But I got a little, shall we say, *frisson* as I told her.
  • I would like now to brag to the LesboTwitoVerse that I told Ilene Chaiken TO HER FACE that I don’t watch her show & never did.
  • @Supersab Who, exactly “they” are I’m not sure. But I s’pose it’s Showtime? If they are owned by a co. that does? But demand seems key.
  • @Supersab From Ilene’s mouth to my ear to your eyes: Yes, if they hear from fans. She’s talking w/Showtime but wants it to be commty-driven.
  • TBrown: Our readers want the smart, incisive stuff. Call us on the sloppy stories, etc. #BlogHer09
  • T Brown: We pay a great deal of attn to the comments on DailyBeast. I read them all. They hold us to a good standard.#BlogHer09
  • Chaiken: in LWord movie you’ll find out who killed Jenny. That’s me, breaking all your LWord not news, here first. (Who’s Jenny?) #BlogHer09
  • Chaiken: Grave mistake in this new media world. Gained a lot by engaging w/ the commty.No Q that the stories we told influenced #BlogHer09
  • Approach to content Q (v int). Chaiken made the foolish mistake of saying that audience opinion didn’t matter in story content #BlogHer09
  • T Brown: finding the best bloggers know how to think clearly; their voice & their thinking that you’re “buying.” #BlogHer09
  • @theburbblog Let’s get together and practice. Watch Julie Andrews favorites, stop the movie, repeat the dialog, provide feedback.
  • You know, the stuff that really turns on Mrs. Lesbian Dad.#BlogHer09
  • Some bright ideas for LD features acknowledging the Sex Sells Truism. Thinking: hot, folded laundry? Fully loaded dishwasher? #BlogHer09
  • T Brown: women on staff police the content (re sexpot cheesy stuff); D Bryd says same stuff (re Serena’s backside)#BlogHer09
  • Talking about a DailyBeast piece that was a kind of sexy piece. Did very well for them. So now I’m thnkng about an LD sexpot ftr #BlogHer09
  • Not fair, BTW, that the British accent makes all sound smarter (re: T Brown). Time to watch more J Andrews films, methinks#BlogHer09
  • L Stone just asked a Q re “visible nipples.” Should BlogHer do more of that? Pro woman & anti woman? // I say: it’s pro-nipple #BlogHer09
  • @ltmayers Likewise. I very much appreciate our conversation.
  • @charmedimsure Hidey ho! Here I am right at the table where that Decibel LGBT marketing Q came from.
  • T Brown talking about editorial/advertising distinction Qs, from her journ. stndpt. Imp to separate truth from bought positions #BlogHer09
  • But sadly, from pers. exp, I have a helluva time figuring out how to buy the time I spend. Would rather a rich leftist endorsemt #BlogHer09
  • Convo about how to aggregate smaller blogs to then sell ad space as a grp. “Future” of media. Poor Luddite, neoMarxist grouch me #BlogHer09
  • Liza Barry-Kessler asking a Q yay http://lesbianfamily.org & her http://lizawashere.com
  • T Brown, D Byrd, I Chaiken all in white pants. Did they call each other this AM? Utterly incidental but there you go. I share all #BlogHer09
  • (Chaiken) Finally Subaru stepped up. // OK so now I know why Subaru is the lesbo car now. We drank the KoolAid & didn’t evn know #BlogHer09
  • (Chaiken) 1st season of the LWrd wanted to do a story line w Dana & commercial sponsorship. Couldn’t find one company to wrk w #BlogHer09
  • Q about product placement. (Chaiken) LGBT demo. very loyal to companies who support our telling our stories. More than most. #BlogHer09
  • (T Brown) “Stopgap” measures to tide media over ’til most media is out of print and online. (D Byrd) ref closing of Vibe mag e.g. #BlogHer09
  • T Brown: I would be despairing if I were still w/ trad. glossy mag. Right now we’re in a “gap economy” and just doing stopgap. #BlogHer09
  • Q from Stone: how to tell our stories given how media is changing. T Brown response incl the word “advertising modules” in it. #BlogHer09
  • There was no such thing as the “spending power of the LGBT demographic,” sez Ilene Chaiken re: her work getting LWrd on air. #BlogHer09
  • Vibrant discussion taking place on TheRoot.com on the Gates arrest. Donna Byrd talking about the comments they’re getting. #BlogHer09
  • Fascinating: geting the Root.com’s Donna Byrd’s first hand acc’t of Gates’ arrest. What w/ him being editor in chief of The Root. #BlogHer09

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