Yeah, yeah, I’m cheating here. Not even two weeks into a purportedly no-prose/ all-photo month and  I’m already sneaking in a few newsy posts. Forgive me. From the COLAGE (Children of Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) News Blog a few days back:
Leading organizations partner to make faith communities more welcoming of LGBT people
All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for Our LGBT Families is a joint project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Institute for Welcoming Resources, COLAGE and Family Equality Council. Debuted this week, this multimedia curriculum will go a long way in providing the necessary tools to make faith communities affirming of LGBT people and their families.
All in God’s Family includes concrete tools to educate faith leaders, including a step-by-step guide to supporting LGBT families of faith and tools for facilitating group learning, community dialogue, Bible study and community action planning to highlight LGBT families in our communities. Additionally, the curriculum includes Families Like Mine, a book about adults with LGBT parents written by Abigail Garner, whose father is gay; and two COLAGE visibility resources – the youth-produced documentary “In My Shoes: Stories of Youth” with LGBT Parents and a CD containing the phototext exhibit “That’s So Gay: Portraits of Youth with LGBT Parents.”
“For youth and adults with LGBTQ parents, finding a faith community where your family is respected and reflected can be a challenge,” says Meredith Fenton, COLAGE program director. “COLAGE is pleased to be a partner on All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for our LGBT Families and invites your faith community to use these tools to move beyond acceptance to full inclusion and celebration of LGBTQ families.”
All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for Our LGBT Families can be acquired for a suggested donation of $50.00. As a special promotion, the first 50 congregations to request the curriculum will receive it for free. All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for Our LGBT Families can be acquired at