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Lesbian Dad
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Posted Date:
November 25, 2008
Mostly a picture
Re: the lil' peanut
back up that-away
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Too beauteous for words.
Must agree. The kid ain’t half bad, neither.
oh dear he made that jump to child face from toddler face, seemingly overnight….
You have the most beautiful children! I just signed on, I’ve been lurking for a while. I think your setting a wonderful example.
Thank you, sadein, and welcome! [Welcome, too, to other signers-on who did so in recent, election-bedazzled/ -besieged weeks. And my hostly apologies for not directing you direct welcomes!]
Directorgrrl, can’t you see the teenager there already? Esp. from picture A to picture B. Like, “Babaaaaaaaa, geez. It’s not like I’m going to immediately crash the space shuttle. I’m just asking for the keys for a coupla hours.” Etc.
How can anyone (a-n-y-o-n-e!) look at those sweet eyes and tell him his parents shouldn’t be allowed to get married?
Geesh. What a gorgeous child. (probably best not to tell him when he’s a teenager that one of your readers once called him “gorgeous” ;)) If my future children are 1/2 as adorable as yours…I will have lots to be thankful for 🙂
How can I look at those sweet eyes and say “No” to anything? (A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g?!)
But also: thank you. This here is the missing ingredient of the No on 8 campaign, one I hope will be remedied next go ’round.
I’m insanely jealous that you got him to eat a carrot. Best I can do so far with mine is beans and occasionally peas or green beans if I’m lucky.
*sigh* Carrots. What a concept.