Lesbian Dad

Marriage equality & our former babysitter

First, get out your hankies, if you’re the weepy type.

Second, watch for a quickie cameo by our former babysitter (hint: she’s testifier #3!). Yeah, we’re lucky.  She works as a camp counselor at Camp it Up, a long-running summer camp for LGBT families.  She and her homies there felt this all needed to be said, and I think they did a damn good job saying it.

Now if THIS was the post you decided to pass on to a friend, or co-worker, or whomever you haven’t already innundated with links or notices, then I will now provide the following LINK TO WHERE FOLKS CAN HELP SUPPORT THE NO ON 8 CAMPAIGN.   

Regular readers know all about this issue — most of you have long since been buttonholing everyone you know about it, and I’m only raining this stuff down on you so you can pass it on — but if this post is your first glimpse of the CA Proposition 8 issue, you can brush up on it with Wikipedia here, and know that both sides consider this battle a watershed for the whole gay marriage issue nationally.  Can’t tell from inside the fishbowl here whether that’s clear outside the state.  Do tell me if I’m bludgeoning the nail over the head.  Or say: Keep it comin’!  I’m forwarding this shite like crazy, sister!  The more the merrier!

People, I warned you it’d be a one-note symphony for weeks here. Be grateful these fine young people made a snappy video, otherwise you’d be getting another heart-on-my-sleeve jeremiad.

[Action Alert!  Californians should also know it’s a No on 8 Action Weekend this weekend: check out this list of cities in which activities are happening near you.  The Mormon church has pleged to hang one million door signs, and as I hope you’ve read, is hell-bent on imprinting its worldview (can we hear that word and not thing Gov. Palin?) on the state.  Join the coalition of volunteers this weekend, which will include women’s groups, civil rights groups, faith leaders and members of congregations, labor union members, teachers, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.  Bay Area folk, want to sit still and use your cell phone instead?  Our Family Coalition will have childcare at the SF LGBT Center for folks phone banking in two-hour shifts, between 10 & 2.  Contact Julia at Our Family for more details.]


fight [next in this marraige equality series: San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders’ statement on same-sex marriage]

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