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Lesbian Dad
Posted Date:
July 29, 2008
Mostly a picture
Not napping
What are you going to do?
back up that-away
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What are you going to do?? Well, take him out of the crib and eat him up! If you don’t, I will fly out there and do it myself.
I think I am missing my kids 🙂
Um, kiss him? Tickle him? Have a Dance Party with him? How could you say No to that face? IMPOSSIBLE.
Agreed. That’s the face that launched a thousand ships, burnt the topless towers of Illium, etc.
Last night, when he was supposed to be falling asleep, he kept popping up and then doing the double eye blink thing, after which he’d stick his tongue out a buncha times, another recent trick. But not in the closed-lip, Bronx cheer kind of way. More like a Polynesian god, or maybe Einstein:
Did I discourage this behavior? Or instead replicate it? Erm. Ahem.
Just out of curiosity, is he chewing on the crib? B/c my daughter chews on hers …and I’m wondering if I should be concerned lol.
By the way, I feel that I should make it clear that when I say “chews”, I do not mean like whittling away at the wood. lol
Has not made a teethmark yet. And fortunately he has a big enough appetite for actual food that he’s not tempted by the paint & wood.
I think he had a natural sense of what expression would make me the most exasperated about his insomnia. He was pretty on target.