Below, some pictures from our errand to city hall today. Narrative to follow next week.
At left: The beloved does what any sensible woman in her position would do on the subway commute to city hall.
At right: Dr. Phil’s emmisaries greet folks upon arrival to SF City Hall. Okay, so she doesn’t work for Dr. Phil. She’s a volunteer there on behalf of the city. Still, I had to ask her: “What on earth do I have to do to get her to shut the cabinet doors after she opens them?” The woman had no answer. But she was cheery as all get-out, anyway.
At left: Of course yrs truly dressed for the occasion. The two gals who received us and directed us once we entered the area where the licenses were issued were also suitably dapper. Both of ’em looked to be lead bikers for the Dykes on Bikes part of the Pride parade. Probably were. Also both volunteers. One of ’em got deputized to perform marriages just for this first two weeks, just because. Who doesn’t love love?
At right: The sign, posted by the City of San Francisco Office of Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting reads: “We wish to recognize and honor the courageous couples and their families who came before us in their pursuit of equality. Below are some of the historic marriage certificates from February 2004.” Classy.
At left: Can you stop the people from baking cookies and coming and passing them around to all the same-sex couples en route to licenses and ceremonies? No you cannot. These happy bakers were a mom, a dad, and their two teenage kids. All of them grinning ear to ear. Had to be Unitarians. You cannot stop the UUs.
At right: The paradigmatic image at the city hall. There’s the threat to the establishment, right there. Complete with two adorable twin girls in red velveteen dresses and shiny patent leather shoes.
These days, city hall in San Francisco totally beats out the international arrivals section of San Francisco International airport for the honor of being Love and Elation Central. I have never seen so many straight people in one place happier to see me. I’m almost as happy for them as for us. Hell, I’m happy for all of us. Cynics and grouches, c’mon over here, pull up a lawn chair, and prepare to have your faith in human nature restored.
“What on earth do I have to do to get her to shut the cabinet doors after she opens them?â€
If you EVER find the answer to that question, would you PLEASE forward it along?
Maybe I should head out to CA for a short visit. My faith in humanity has really taken a beating lately.
Also, what does one have to do (beg, plead, bribe) to be able to see big versions of those pictures on Flickr? It keeps telling me I’m not worthy.
Will do, re: cabinetry.
And I have to say, after today’s city hall errand, I would highly recommend visits to this fine state, most especially for the faith-in-humanity-challenged. Check the SF County Clerk website to see what dates are open for marriage license and ceremony appointments, and c’mon over! The water’s fine!
Meanwhile, I sent you a Flickr invite; watch your email inbox. All’s you have to do is be a sane person that I recognize, and ask.
Those are darn fine photos–and sounds like a darn fine day!
Dapper shoes!
Re cabinetry: the only thing you can do anything about is your annoyance. Do you want to keep it, or do you want to let it go? Close the door gently and think of how complex and interesting human nature is. It works.
“What on earth do I have to do to get her to shut the cabinet doors after she opens them?â€
My wife will be glad to know she’s not the ONLY one who wonders that exact question as I walk away from the kitchen, two cabinet doors wide open in my wake. =)
Adorable, just, absolutely adorable.
Following from Chris above, I’d love to be able to see bigger pics from the day.
We emailed a few months ago. I promise I’m no crazier than the rest.
I wish I could fly out to SF and just hand out cookies to happy families.
Congratulations; all four of you.
So sorry JillianRose! I knew I forgot somebody back there! Invite winging its way to you even as I type these words.
Thanks for asking; also, thanks for the woulda coulda cookie offer.
And thank you all for the congrats. It’s quite a time.
Yahoo! Errand – p-shaw!
When we got married, my brother toasted us and it really brought tears to my eyes. So here’s the same toast to you and the beloved:
“May all your tomorrows be happier than today.”
how wonderful!!
I’m an avid reader, and a rare commenter. I must come out and say I appreciate your words on so many topics, but especially lately. When it comes to wading through the complicated emotions of turning something so real into something so recognized (all the finally-legal marriage stuff) I sometimes forget just how faith-restoring humanity can be when we get the chance to spread love like crazy. Nevertheless, congrats on your plans to get hitched! 🙂 I, too, would love to take a peak at the pictures.
“What on earth do I have to do to get her to shut the cabinet doors after she opens them?â€
Seriously, if you ever figure this one out, I’d be delighted to hear the answer. 🙂
You can’t stop the UU’s? 🙂 That one made me laugh out loud.
where was I in June 08?! LOVE this blog. LOVE to your little family, LOVE to you. Here’s some love. Really hoping and praying you keep these rights and we make it to the federal level in the very near future.