Lesbian Dad

Other people’s Mother’s Day posts we like

Since I’m not doing one this year (alas), I’m acting as directional signpost. I’m hoping that Blogging for LGBT Families Day may take up some of the Mother’s Day thematic slack for me when I’m back to my regularly scheduled publication practices. (By the way, Vikki, does this count? A non-post post?)

What I want to do here is clue you into something from Harlyn Aizley: Who’s Your Mama? Very much worth reading, as is everything she writes, I’m sure including shopping lists. It’s first appearing at the Beacon Broadside, a blog they run for their authors. Harlyn, of Are You My Mothers? fame, was editor for Confessions of the Other Mother, which Beacon published. (Her other book, Buying Dad: One Woman’s Search for the Perfect Sperm Donor, was published by Alyson Books).

Anybody else write something you like, on the occasion of Mother’s Day? Let us know, in the comments.

Now back to work.

back up that-away
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