Happens one, maybe two hundred times a day. Forehead, wink of eye, cheek, chin, fingers. If kisses were graffiti he’d be a piece, bombed, top-to-bottom. And sister would be king.

Happens one, maybe two hundred times a day. Forehead, wink of eye, cheek, chin, fingers. If kisses were graffiti he’d be a piece, bombed, top-to-bottom. And sister would be king.
I remember the olden days (BP, before Peanut) it seemed like it was lots and lots of writing and a few photos thrown in for variety. Now, for obvious reasons it’s all switched around and I gotta say… you are a great photographer too. You’ve got a real eye. Of course having all that eye-candy to work with (what stunningly beautiful kids you’ve got) doesn’t hurt. Either way, it always brigthens my day when a new post pops up. Thank you.
Just when I think your kids can’t possibly get any cuter, you prove me wrong. We’re still waiting for our #1 to arrive, and now I can’t wait for #2!
Many many thanks, the KIABIL and Momai! Yep, the eye is getting a major sucrose overdose from these two these days. Momai, best of luck over the course of the next 80 days. It’ll be so fun to see how easy your heart breaks open, and how often per day.
OMG the widdle pink ear! The pink cheek! The big sister with the kisses and the overalls! I’m going to pass out from all this cuteness. It’s a good thing I have your pictures to look at, because when our baby is born (OMG! 6 more weeks!) I am not going to be able to work my camera because I will completely melt.
You do have a good eye, I must agree. I’m really enjoying the photos, and not just because your kids are so beautiful and charming and cute that it should be illegal or something.
Ah, yes, a-o-m, prepare yourself. These little creatures are tiny machines designed (evolved) for the near-sole purpose of fusing our hearts to theirs. And so too are our hearts designed (evolved).
I’m very happy to report — upon the good authority of a friend’s friend who has both birthed and “other-mothered” kids, and from my mother-in-law, who has both birthed and adopted her children — that the heart bursts and melts and fuses, however you come by your parental role. I don’t think it’s coincidental that the first song I found myself singing to the little guy was Cole Porter’s “So In Love.”
I just discovered this blog about a week ago, and have been reading it from the beginning for a couple of reasons a)I love watching families grow, and learning about people’s lives, and b) this blog has a concept I find really interesting.
But it’s the first part that’s really kept me the most interested, and why I’m commenting now.
Those pictures made me tear up. 🙂
O, lizwhiz!
Welcome, thank you, and I’m so happy to say that while she has to struggle a bit more to pull this off now — brother is 3 yrs old, at this writing — she still tries to kiss him many times a day. Their love is so deep, so mutual, so like the water is to the fishes. We are so blessed.
Thank you again and again welcome.